Who we are

The EU-funded PLATINA4Action project promotes inland waterway transport (IWT) in Europe through targeted coordination and support activities. Started in January 2024, the project runs until end of 2026. PLATINA4Action bridges the gap between current IWT research and future innovation needs. It focuses on deploying green and connected inland waterway transport, evaluates NAIADES III, and prepares a policy agenda.

The platform acts as a catalyst, uniting expertise, stakeholders, and research in European Inland Waterway Transport. It builds on the network and knowledge developed in the PLATINA3 project, funded under Horizon 2020.

The PLATINA4Action consortium collaborates closely with the European Commission DG MOVE to implement and evaluate the NAIADES III Action Plan and develop a new policy agenda for IWT. This interaction involves the NAIADES Implementation Expert Group.

Additionally, the consortium engages with IWT and logistics representatives, platforms, river commissions, ports, waterway managers, Member States, and research institutes. An Advisory Board, comprising external experts and stakeholders, has been established to review the work and provide input for task execution within the workplan.

 One of our actions is to coordinate and support the “IWT Projects Cooperation Platform“. This platform brings together the ongoing and recently closed European RD&I projects working on strengethening the IWT sector to create synergies and boost the impact. 


More specifically the objectives of the PLATINA4Action project are:


Assess the impact of NAIADES III actions on emission reduction and modal shift
Additionally, develop policy recommendations to accelerate the transition to zero-emission and digital IWT. This supports the modal shift effectively.


Develop and demonstrate a digital twin tool
This tool will evaluate the impact of NAIADES III actions and additional policy recommendations. It aims to provide accurate and insightful data.


Develop and validate a European labelling system for green IWT vessels on EU waterways
The goal is to achieve energy and emission reductions. Ultimately, this aims to lead to zero-emission transport.


Identify and analyse barriers and opportunities for zero-emission and smart technologies
Moreover, develop pilot actions to deploy selected breakthrough concepts. This will drive innovation and progress.


Develop an RD&I roadmap for technologies and policies
Focus on achieving accelerated zero-emission and smart IWT deployment. This roadmap will guide future actions and investments.


Initiate and continue interaction between policymakers, technology providers, experts, researchers, and IWT end-users
This ongoing interaction is crucial for the project’s success. It ensures collaboration and alignment among all stakeholders.

More specifically the objectives of the PLATINA4Action project are:


Assess the impact of NAIADES III actions on emission reduction and modal shift
Additionally, develop policy recommendations to accelerate the transition to zero-emission and digital IWT. This supports the modal shift effectively.


Develop and demonstrate a digital twin tool
This tool will evaluate the impact of NAIADES III actions and additional policy recommendations. It aims to provide accurate and insightful data.


Develop and validate a European labelling system for green IWT vessels on EU waterways
The goal is to achieve energy and emission reductions. Ultimately, this aims to lead to zero-emission transport.


Identify and analyse barriers and opportunities for zero-emission and smart technologies
Moreover, develop pilot actions to deploy selected breakthrough concepts. This will drive innovation and progress.


Develop an RD&I roadmap for technologies and policies
Focus on achieving accelerated zero-emission and smart IWT deployment. This roadmap will guide future actions and investments.


Initiate and continue interaction between policymakers, technology providers, experts, researchers, and IWT end-users
This ongoing interaction is crucial for the project’s success. It ensures collaboration and alignment among all stakeholders.

Project partners

The PLATINA4Action consortium is coordinated by the SPB/EICB and consists of the following partners: University of Antwerp, DST, IWT Platform, viadonau, Waterborne Technology Platform and the Danube Commission.

The consortium partners are actively involved in international research and innovation activities in the field of IWT and the wider Waterborne Transport industry. They have an excellent position in networks with other organizations and projects, facilitating the analysis of the state-of-play on the one hand, and the validation and dissemination of the results of PLATINA4Action on the other hand.

Latest events

Check alle events of  PLATINA4Action projects, in co-creation with Horizon EU Projects Rh2iwer and SYNERGETICS and the EICB InnovationLAB.