
Technology Transfer Workshops

As part of the PLATINA4Action project, Technology Transfer Workshops are held to disseminate information to vessel owners. The first workshop is scheduled for May 30, 2024 in Gorinchem, The Netherlands back to back with the Maritime Industry fair. Other Technology Transfer Workshops are planned to take place in Antwerp, Duisburg, Budapest.

Stage Events

Stage Events proved to be valuable in PLATINA3 for communication and dissemination to the key stakeholders. Therefore, the successful approach will be continued with a first Stage Event in Autumn in 2024 in Brussels, followed by a Stage Event in 2025 in Budapest and a final Stage Event in 2026 in Brussels.

At this page, as soon as more information is available, you will be able to get information on the agenda, register for the event or workshop. At this page you will also be able to download the meeting report as well as presentations of the workshops and events and possibly also video registrations.


PLATINA4Action Save-The-Date

Stage Event 6 November 2024 Brussels

We are planning the first PLATINA4Action Stage Event to take place on 6 November 2024 in Brussels. Keynote speakers will present to you the latest European policy developments for Inland Waterway Transport. The high level policy session in the morning will be followed in the afternoon by presenting the state-of-play regarding:

  • European emission label scheme for inland vessels: initiatives, objectives and requirements
  • Breakthrough concepts for zero-emission navigation: how to facilitate their roll-out?
  • RD&I opportunities and funding: available instruments and upcoming opportunities


Please reserve the date of 6th November 2024 in your calendar. More details about the programme, location and registration for this event will be communicated after the summer. This 1st Stage event will be organised back-to- back with the SYNERGETICS mid-term conference on Tuesday 5th of November and the NAIADES Expert Group on Thursday the 7th of November. In this way we offer to you an efficient and effective couple of days for stakeholders and policy makers to be updated and become involved on the latest developments!


First workshop on 30 May at Maritime & Industry Fair

First Technology Transfer Workshop on 30 May 2024 at Maritime & Industry Fair Gorinchem, Netherlands