This page presents the finalised and approved technical reports made by PLATINA4Action:
Deliverable 2.1: Definition of KPIs of the DT and different scenarios
Summary: The PLATINA4Action project develops a ‘Digital Twin’ for European policy evaluation for inland waterway transport. This tool will be used for evaluation of NAIADES III and making recommendations for a follow-up IWT policy action plan, NAIADES IV. This report presents the basis for the scenarios as input for the model and defines the main key performance indicators (KPIs) to be included in the policy evaluation tool. It makes the link to goals and targets from EU policy documents such as EU Green Deal, Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and NAIADES III.
Deliverable 3.1: State of play and requirements for the label for inland vessels
Summary: The PLATINA4Action project develops a methodology for emission data of inland vessels and labelling the performance. This report presents the current state-of-play, building on recommendations from the PLATINA3 project for this topic. Amongst others, the latest developments regarding CSRD, ISO 14083:2023 greenhouse gas emission reporting standards, EU Taxonomy and EEDI methodology for inland vessels are presented. Afterwards, the objectives and boundaries of label systems for inland shipping are discussed. The next phase in the PLATINA4Action project is to elaborate the most promising methodology to be implemented. Close cooperation will take place with the stakeholders.
Deliverable 4.1: Stocktaking and good practices for zero-emission innovations in IWT
Summary: The PLATINA4Action project develops a plan for breakthrough of zero-emission innovations in inland waterway transport in Europe. This report describes good practices and initiatives in deployment and roll-out of innovative technologies with a focus on achieving a breakthrough of zero-emission technologies and digital solutions for connected systems. Based on a specific scope, an inventory was made of the most interesting technologies, concepts, and initiatives for achieving the zero-emission breakthrough in inland navigation. A major goal of PLATINA4Action is to prepare an implementation proposal by 2026, making best use of the existing financial instruments. A first assessment is presented by means of SWOT analyses and success and fail factors of the identified innovations. It is concluded that the success mainly depends on supportive regulations and targeted financial instruments.
Deliverable 5.1: Funding opportunities for RD&I and deployment activities at the European level
Summary: PLATINA4Action provides with this report offers a detailed and comprehensive catalogue of various funding mechanisms available to stakeholders in the inland waterway transport (IWT) sector. The primary goal is to facilitate the transition to a zero-emission and smart IWT system, aligning with the EU’s climate goals, particularly the European Green Deal and the NAIADES III action program as well as the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. This deliverable highlights a variety of European Union funding instruments, emphasizing how these can support research, development, innovation (RD&I), and deployment activities in the IWT sector.