1st Stage Event – Brussels – 6 November 2024


Morning sessions: Updated EU policy priorities – what does it mean for Inland Waterway Transport?
09:30 – 09:40 Welcome and introductory remarks by European IWT Platform
09:40 – 10:00

PLATINA4Action project overview

Overview of the project’s objectives, scope, progress and strategic framework to guide discussions for the Stage Event, Martin Quispel, project coordinator PLATINA4Action, EICB
10:00 – 10:30

Keynote by Fotini IOANNIDOU (tbc), Director European Commission DG MOVE Waterborne, on the policy priorities and waterborne transport and inland navigation

Keynote by Christiaan Van Lancker, President of the European IWT Platform, focusing on policy requirements from the industry perspective and the need for collaboration

10:30 – 12:00 Panel Discussion: EU Transport Agenda – Updated policy priorities and the role of Inland Waterway Transport  

In light of the new European Commission and Parliament priorities, this panel discussion will discuss the related meaning for EU transport policy with a special focus on the opportunities and position of Inland Waterways Transport (IWT). Policy makers and industry representatives will engage in a debate on aligning EU policy priorities with the requirements of the IWT sector.

Panellists (tbc): EC DG MOVE, EP (TRAN), CCNR, DC, EBU, ESO, INE, ESC, WTP.

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch


Afternoon sessions: Focus on PLATINA4Action topics
13:00 – 13:30 Setting the context for the Thematic Sessions & Overview of RD&I at EU level for IWT
  • Introduction to the focus and objectives of the thematic sessions and the coordination platform for RD&I projects in IWT, Martin Quispel, EICB
  • RD&I for IWT within EU funding programmes
13:30 – 14:25 Thematic Session 1 – Evaluation and development of European IWT Policy
  • Update on evaluating and enhancing the implementation of NAIADES-III Actions, Severin Fraundorfer, viadonau
  • The role and contribution of the digital twin in policy assessment and analysis,
    Prof. Edwin van Hassel, University of Antwerp
14:25 – 15:10 Thematic Session 2 – Developing a comprehensive labelling system for inland vessels on European waterways
  • Insights from existing emission labelling and indexing systems, Khalid Tachi, EICB
  • Defining the objectives and next steps for the European labelling system for inland vessels, Benjamin Friedhoff, DST
15:10 – 15:30 Thematic Session 3 – Crafting a comprehensive RD&I roadmap for IWT
  • Analysis of the RD&I landscape in IWT and the approach of the PLATINA4Action project to develop an updated RD&I roadmap, Jaap Gebraad, Waterborne Technology Platform
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Thematic session 4 – Paving the way for roll-out of zero-emission solutions for IWT
  • Stocktaking results on promising concepts and initiatives of zero-emission solutions, Khalid Tachi, EICB.
  • Panel discussion on deploying zero-emission solutions for IWT:
    • Practical challenges
    • Funding and legal barriers
    • Recommendations
  • Panellists (tbc): CINEA, DG MOVE, CCNR, EBU, KOTUG, DAMEN, FPS, ZES, Nedcargo
17:30 – 17:45 Summary of the day’s discussions and closing remarks


Venue: SQUARE Brussels Convention Centre, Mont des Arts, 1000, Brussels
Format: Hybrid
Meeting room: Studio 211 & 212
Hosting organisation: European IWT Platform
Version date agenda: 2 October 2024

Note: this PLATINA4Action event is organised back-to-back with the SYNERGETICS conference (5 November) and NAIADES Implementation Expert Group (7 November).

Registration form Stage Event 6 November 2024 Brussels

Lunch +- 12:00(Required)
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